Monday, February 2, 2009

A few new trinkets

Well the days here have taken up quite a rhythm and routine. We fill everyday playing with the girls, helping them study, and joining them with cooking, prayer, or other activities: such as the dancing, watching their marching, or hand sewing. We have played a few new games and the other day we watched them play cricket. It was a makeshift game with parts of trees as bats and a stool as the pegs that the pitcher trys to hit for one of the options for an out. While i may not have all the terminology down i finally understand the game!
I have become much more comfortable in the market, so our trips are less overwhelming and I can even find my way around. I purchased some fruit, since my diet has been lacking it to say the least. I consume 21 eggs a week!! and over that in potatoes and rice so the apples and oranges are very exciting for me. I have been filling some of my free time making jewelry for the girls for their birthdays. We have had two already: Suman and Kajal and we get the girls together to sing happy b-day and give them our gift. I enjoy hand making them a present from the three of us and I feel it is very important to acknowledge them on their special day. If we were not here, they would not be sang to or receive anything special at all. I feel it is very important to let them know they are cared for especially since their parents are not here and the workers here tend to not lavish on the attention so to speak.
Speaking of giving gifts, Kat, Tim and I also purchased the girls a large blanket for them when they are sitting inside. They get to watch TV as a group for 30 minutes a night (they love love love this, it is pretty much the only thing we can threaten to take away if they are not studying)and their old blanket was so gross it was kicked to the outdoors. (even outside i choose to sit in the dirt because it is seriously the nastiest piece of material i have ever ever seen). As a result they sit on the floor or drag down their only bed blanket, which gets dirty in the process. Needless to say they were very very excited and appreciative. They are just so cute. The power was out so when we gave it to them by lantern it had a very mysterious feel. We made some ground rules: indoors only, put in bag each night, and no Ramoan. Ramoan the adopted street dog who while so sweet has many fleas! ( I have a deep love for him though and long to give him pets but I'm advised not to really tough him... Oh Ramoan who walks us home, and has no bone).
On travel news, Mr. Sircar has plans to bring us to some other YMCA locations in the month of Febuary. It will be very interesting to see the other programs. Also, Tim, Kat, and I are planning a trip to Himachal Pradesh...which will be a once in a lifetime experience to say the least. That's all for now, although on a very funny note Kat fell into the mucky, snake filled pond which was very funny. She's Ok. ha ha. Namaste

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