Thursday, April 16, 2009

A little bit of news

Namaste! It has been a little bit since my last entry and I am sure you may have noticed the lack of new photographs on my blog. Unfortunately, I have been having trouble recently posting pictures, so I am sad to say you may have to await my return until you get some new shots. Anyways, Tim left our company around the 22nd of March and Kat and I saw him off in Calcutta. His departure from the home was quite sad as many of the girls started crying and I know they will miss him dearly. On Tim's final day in Calcutta, we went to the zoo and saw many animals including the famous white tiger. We also went to a tea shop and I learned quite a few new facts about tea harvesting and which seasons yield the best Darjeeling tea (the second or spring). Since Tim has made his departure things at the home have returned to normal. The girls still lavish us with love and handmade cards. Sundays are still filled with dance classes, milk in our tea, and now chicken curry. I feel Sundays are the best day of the week!! I do love shaking it to Indian dances in dance class. However a few things are a bit different.

The girls spend a bit more time braiding our hair and doing girly things. Also, it has gotten too hot to play outside at game time so we have taken to cards: rummy, uno, slap jack, and go fish. Also, there is this awesome game played with chip type object and flicking them with your fingers... its kind of like pool. Also, our food has gotten spiced up!!! Yeah! Tim (no offence tim) liked things a bit bland and had trouble with different types of food. Now Kat and I have a greater variety of foods to eat since we are more adventurous eaters and often eat the same food as the girls. Also, Swarnali and Mrs. Roy left the home to pursue other interests. Therefore, in the mean time Mrs. Purkait has been head of the home and Kat and I have taken on a few more responsibilities. Luckily this time period has come during the Bengali girls school break, so they are not here and are home on holiday. So there are fewer girls to look after. Sadly the eldest Hindi girls are also gone for good. They have completed the highest Hindi grade at the school here in Ranaghat and will now attend a new school and move to a new home. It was very sad to see them leave as they cried freely at leaving all their friends and their home for the past few years. We made them farewell cards and waved good bye as they left, feeling sad at knowing we may never see them again.

Around Easter Kat and I organized an Easter egg hunt for the girls. They seemed to love it, especially all the candy. Who can blame them?? Ha ha. Other than that things have been quite relaxing as the girls have been having holiday which means less studies (as they were in between grades and had some time off from school) and a few more hours of tv and play time. That's all i have time for now. namaste again.

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